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tv   The Daily Show With Jon Stewart  Comedy Central  July 28, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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saw ♪ ♪ and every one is love the one you're with. ♪ who swore up and down to thanks for putting me in your will. support me ♪ ♪ now they walk i'll never have to buy a new mattress again. ♪ late term abort me - cucumber. ♪ last night i got hit by a car ♪ ♪ it's gone too far ♪ for this law ♪ did you i mention my ass was at [bleep] ♪ >> july 28th, 2011,from comedy central's world news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by comedy central >> jon: welcome to the daily show, my name is jon stewart, man! do we have a good show for you tonight. tonight's guest peter tomsen, author of a new book "the
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wars of afghanistan" that's right, plural, wars. as you know, debt ceiling discussions, coming down to the wire. political leaders on both sides pulling out all the stops. all the stops. like the kind of stops that high school football coaches use before homecoming games in particular at thiscious small towns. >> kevin mccarthy a third ranking republican in the house urged republicans to unite behind boehner's plan by showing this clip from the movie "the town" >> the town? (laughter) "the town", no rudy-- "rudy" "brian song" or "300" or "rocky" or "rocky 2" or "rocky 3" or really any of the "rockies" you went with the boston bank rubbers in
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nun costumes clip. >> well, there is going to be good. (laughter) vo: if you like facebook, come to best buy. let's see the clip-- where an expert will find the perfect phone for you. (cheers and applause) like the at&t htc status. >> that the republicans used, it let's you post instantly to facebook with a push of a button. let's see the clip that the republicans used to urge their hard line tea party and it's free! freshman coalition to drop with no mail in rebates. their objections to john boehner's debt ceiling plan of course, just because you can share on a whim, and vote with their more establishment republican brethren. doesn't mean you should. >> i need your help. i can't tell you what it is. the at&t htc status. you can never ask me about it later. and we're going to hurt some free, with no mail in rebates. at best buy. people. >> which car are we going to take? (laughter) (applause) >> jon: let me see if i understand this metaphor. the establishment republicans are saying to the tea party upstarts hey, you know the violent, unstable borderline socio
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path from "the town" who's useful in a pinch but whose suicidal single minded mania will ultimately be his downfall? that's you guys. (laughter) and the guy who is stuck in >> jon: welcome back to the show. earlier tonight we saw how an uneasy alliance with you but doesn't really like you the dodd frank bill has been and ultimately saves himself somewhat deballed by a by walking away from you as you are dying, that's us. combination of legislative cowardist and shenanigans. (laughter) those aren't the only two ways to submarine things. so do we have your vote? >> a bill has been reached in the senate to pass a 9/11 (laughter) health-care bill. the legislation would i'm going to assume most of provide free medical care for first responders who are the tea party coalition has suffering health problems after working at ground zero. not seen the whole movie. >> jon: it took nine years of committed legislators >> allen west liked what he working tirelessly with heard. first responder advocates, >> so i got up and told the some of them sadly passing speaker i will drive the away before the bill's car. (laughter) signing to bring much needed relief to those who gave so much down at ground zero. quick, robin, to the bat funny story. (laughter) [bleep] mobile. >> jon: as it turns out, as still, if nothing else, the part of a political compromise, to get democratic response to the bill-passed, the bill does not cover cancer treatments. republican's use of that clip from the movie "the which brings us to our new town" did lead to one of my
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segment, i thought we favorite recent moments in already took care of this cable news. i give you chuck schumer [bleep]. how did we not include maschugana movie breakdown. cancer? the bill does cover coughing, >> in the scene they inspire their house freshman, one of laryngitis and carpal tunnel the crooks gives a pep talk to the other, right before syndrome but not cancer. they both put on hockey masks, bludgeon two men with you get scurvy no problemo. sticks, and shoot a man in these limes are on us. the leg. but the one disease that you (laughter) seem to disproportionately be getting, yeah, we can't help you there. is this going to be fixed? >> jon: all talking in a >> the administrator said ridiculous boston accent. they will continue to do periodic reviews for cancer as new research and findings (laughter) (cheers and applause) are released. >> the link between 9/11 and the cancers then they will be covered by the fund. join us next week when i, >> jon: prove the link. sir, clearly you have chuck schumer, review the cancer. and clearly you spent time sci-fi classic "the star sifting through carcinogens wars" in search of your own loved >> an asthmatic man dressed ones and colleagues and the colleagues of oned ones and years but how do i know your in black plastic cuts the
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cancer isn't from-- if you arm off of the boy wearing pajamas with some type of a just give me 20 years i think we'll be able to have some statistics about that. you know what, i have an glow stick. idea about this. (laughter) who gives a [bleep] the and here's the part you worst-case scenario here-- won't believe. the man in the suit is the (cheers and applause) >> jon: the worst case, the boy's father. worst case, the worst-case scenario here is we (cheers and applause) accidentally treated a 9/11 responder's cancer even though his cancer may not be proven to have its genesis on 9/11. how about everyone who worked down there on file gets a pass on the exact that must be the worst dvd origin of their personal feature extra ever. tumors. so if you are someone who spent time on the pile, i now with the standoff in our nation's capitol over the don't care if you ate 200 debt ceiling showing us sweet & lo packets sprinkle nothing but bitter stalemate, it's easy to forget that it on your favorite cereal was just one year ago that tumoros while areaing a cell phone suit and smoking washington actually got something done, the dodd chernobyl lights unfiltered frank act, a complete while making your favorite overhaul of the regulations governing our financial system intended to ensure that we would never again snack, agent orange julius, suffer another 2008-style you get cancer, we cover it. (cheers and applause)
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meltdown. we'll be right back. >> these reforms represent the strongest consumer financial protections in history. and these protections will be enforced by a new consumer watchdog with just one job, looking out for people, not big banks, not lenders, not investment houses, looking out for people-- . >> jon: what, wait, who? who are we looking out for before? (laughter) anyway, the dodd frank act is now one year old. and here to discuss the effect it's having in reforming a damaged financial system, we're very lucky to have with us tonight, hr 4127-- 4173. the dodd frank act, everybody. (cheers and applause) ♪ i'm alone ♪ a 2000 page long ♪ congress passed me without voicing ♪ ♪ i make sure wall street plays by the new regulation ♪ ♪ protecting your investments across the
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nation ♪ ♪-- . >> jon: hang on there just one second. >> what. >> jon: i'm sorry dodd frank. >> uh-huh. >> jon: what the hell happened to you? >> what dow mean? >> jon: i don't want to say it but you look like [bleep]. >> oh, easy, washington's a tough town, jon. since getting passed yeah i've taken a few shots but i'm still standing. yes, yes, yes, i'm still standing. i'm still here. (cheers and applause) >> in fact, just last week my all new consumer financial protection board opened for business. as soon as it gets a director we'll be off to the races. >> jon: so wait, there's no director? >> no, not just yet. >> jon: it's been a year. >> come on. >> jon: what about elizabeth warner, wasn't she supposed to be the director, what happened there? ♪ confirmation in the senate ♪ ♪ there's no motion ♪-- to give her the job without her vote ♪ ♪ but he didn't do ♪ because his feeling
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weren't that strong ♪ ♪. >> jon: wow, yeah. (cheers and applause) >> but you know what, jon t doesn't matter. i've still got 400 tough new rules to fix our broken and corrupt financial system. >> jon: how are those new 400 rules working? >>. >> they're working great. the ones that are written are working great. >> jon: the ones that are-- how many of the 400 new rules have been written? ♪ 38, it's a magic number ♪ yes it is ♪ it's a magic number ♪ it might not be 400 or 150 or 77 ♪ ♪ but it's 38 ♪ and that's a magic number ♪ ♪ let's do this. red sox pitcher curt schilling ♪ ♪ l.a. clippers forward dave wilkinson. tail back richie wore 38 ♪ ♪ it's a magic number
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♪ whoa, whoa. >> jon: i'm sorry, 38 is a magic number because dale wilkinson makes it a magic number. >> yeah, you've heard of dale wilkinson. >> jon: no, i have not, the clippers guy until you mentioned him right now. >> you just had to take my word for him he definitely exists. >> jon: why weren't the rules written, jon? ♪ lobby, lobby, lobby ♪ get your access here ♪ lobby, lobby, lobby ♪ lobby, lobby ♪ stop it, stop t stop it. i can't do this. blaming lobbyists is a cop out, jon. here is what is going down. this whole financial reform thing is a sham! the only way congress would pass me is if the details in my rules and regulations were left unspecified giving lobbyists all the time they would need to water me down post passage. and you know what, exactly, boo, exactly. >> boo! >> thank you, boys and girls, >> jon: my guest tonight, he thank you. and do you know what, if any is a former ambassador and actual tough rule managed to u.s. special envoy to
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afghanistan. squeeze through, congress his new book is called the people cut the budget of the wars of afghanistan. agency responsible for enforcing it. the whole thing is a giant please welcome to the punt. i'm no law. problem peter tomsen. i'm no law, jon. i'm just an undefined, impotent 20-- 2,300 piece of have a seat. >> thank you. legislative [bleep]. you see this? you see this here, jon? >> jon: my first question to i stole this off the voting you is simply this. rights act of 1965. (cheers and applause) really? >> jon: i'm sorry. (laughter) >> this is isn't even mine. >> jon: hi no idea, law. really? i had no idea, dodd frank, >> it's pretty big. that you have been through >> jon: really? >> yeah some of. (laughter) >> you don't know what don't drop it on your toe. you're talking about. you haven't seen the things i've seen. >> jon: let me ask you this, >> jon: i know. >> ♪ i'm just a law volume 2, what period of wars ♪ but my ass [bleep] and my balls put through a circular does this cover and how much of the amazon is now gone? (laughter) what period of wars are we dealing with her. >> actually it's six, two in the 19th century, one in the early 20th century, and the
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rest with the soviet invasion and afterwards. >> jon: starting in '79. >> right. >> jon: what is so alluringly invadable about-- (laughter) >> jon: afghanistan because everyone seems to want to do it they don't have oil. they don't appear to have mineral wealth, although i think they've recently discovered that. they appear to just have a tightly knit group of tribes who don't care for being invaded. >> exactly. and in our case we called it an intervention. some call it an invasion. the big, the most important reason is that afghanistan is the highland of your asia. if you get control of the highland, speaking about the outer ring of great powers, then you have advantage over your neighbors and over your opponents. >> jon: back when boiling oil was the main weapon. but-- (laughter) >> jon: does really being above your enemies in 29 1st century, do we really think
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i'm above pakistan, i win, you know. is that still really strategically so vital? >> i think it is. and you also deny it to your other enemies. i mean if you can control the highland or you control afghanistan, then you can make it unavailable to other enemies. and the case of pakistan, they wanted to control the highland in order to export islamic extremism around the world. >> jon: can't dow that on a flat surface? >> no i think you need mountains, you need caves, you need places to hide. >> jon: if pakistan-- now we had the former president of pakistan on and he assured me they knew nothing about any of this. so i don't know if in your research you came across anything on that. but pakistan is, could he be telling the truth that pakistan was unaware of this. are they playing a conscious double game? is there a group within pakistan that's subverting a
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larger group in pakistan. what's happening? >>. >> i think it's coming from the pakistani army which actually dominates the state of pakistan. that's been true since they hanged the prime minister in 1977 and took over either directly during the dictato dictatorships or through civilian governments, none of which served out their term, up until now. the military has dominated afghanistan. and it's the military through the isi which is as president mush ar av said, isi follows orders, part of the command structure and they do what the chief of the army staff ie president musharraf, when he was army chief of staff and dictator, tell them to do. so it's not rogue outfits within the intelligence organization, it's actually a policy, a strategy of the-- . >> jon: what is the advantage of that. when you say export extremist into afghanistan what is their strategic advantage because it doesn't seem like something that is
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easily controllable and it gets it that area invaded. >> actually, actually there's-- there's two areas of advantage. one the domestic in pakistan. the military is able to keep control of the pakistani state and keep the secular democratic parties out of power. the second is to keep a large military budget. the military since they took over has gobbled up over 50% of the military of the total budget. that meant education and everything else has gone downhill. and finally there is-- . >> jon: sorry, you said two. you said two. >> oh, sorry. >> jon: you can't-- no, two. >> i'm from the state department. >> jon: what is the third. >> i'm from the state department. >> jon: all right. >> the third one is actually it's four-- (laughter) >> jon: you can give me fou four-- bureaucracy let's have four. >> well, offensive and
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defensive. defensive to build defensive sort of depth against india, hindu india, islamic extremists defensive depth. and offensive in terms of sort of sowing the seeds of global terrorism with people like osama bin laden who was protected by the military. >> jon: but is this the grand bargain saudi arabia had made and found out did not work that well for them, which is if we try and console the militants and give them certain things that they want as a grand bargain to keep away from us, is that what this is an attempt to do or is it that they also believe in the same goals? >> they all believe in the same goals but they don't, they turn against their masters. it's like snakes. you can't train snakes whom not to bite. and the snakes started biting saudi arabia and the bombs started going off in saudi arabia. and the monarchy didn't like that because they wanted to stay in power. now the pakistani taliban
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who in the eyes of pakistan are are the bad -- extremists, they have turned against the pakistani state. >> jon: so there are even a spectrum even within the extremist world. >> jakes. >> yeah jrz i think we all know how dangerous they can be. the wars of afghanistan. it's on book shelves now. or you can just make it into a book shelf. it peter tomsen.
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